How to add an Ad?
- You must register first in order to be able to add ads.
Is it chargeable to add ads?
- It is totally free to register and to add ads also.
- You only must pay to make your ads VIP or Super VIP.
- You only must pay to make your ads VIP or Super VIP.
How many ads can I add?
- One user (does not matter “Individual Person” or “Legal Entity”) can add unlimited ads for
How to Register?
- For registration you can click the following buttons:
1) “Add New”;
2) “Login in Account”;
or just click the following link:
1) “Add New”;
2) “Login in Account”;
or just click the following link:
Which option should I choose while registration: “Individual Person” or “Legal Entity”?
- If you are an Agency or represent a company then you must choose “Legal Entity” and also fill
in the TAX Code of your company.
- In other cases you can register as “Individual Person”.
- In other cases you can register as “Individual Person”.
How to make Ads VIP or Super VIP?
- First of all you have to have minimum one Ad and enough money on your virtual account in order
to make your Ads VIP or Super VIP.
How to put money on my virtual account?
- You can charge your account by clicking on the following button: “Charge Account”, indicate
the amount of money you would like to transfer on your account and pay with your Credit/Debit
- Second option to charge your account are “Express Pay” and “TBC Pay” machines. Find DGIURAD.GE fill in your ID (which generates automatically when you register, and you can find it in your profile) and pay the amount of money you would like to transfer on your account.
- Second option to charge your account are “Express Pay” and “TBC Pay” machines. Find DGIURAD.GE fill in your ID (which generates automatically when you register, and you can find it in your profile) and pay the amount of money you would like to transfer on your account.