Varketili, Tbilisi
A blog flat in Hualing
Rent a well -equipped apartment daily and hourly in Hualing in Varketili
1 bedroom studio type apartment
Ideal for repairing
GEL 40
/ Hourly
GEL 100
/ Daily
Gldani, Tbilisi
A blog flat in Gldani
Apartment for rent in Gldani at Akhmeteli Metro daily and hourly for a few days in the case of a few days.
The apartment is equipped with all kinds of appliances and furniture.
Complete comfort and cleanliness
Contact us have other flats too
50 GEL for several hours, 80 GEL from evening to morning, 24 hours 100 GEL.
Only 2 people
GEL 40
/ Hourly
GEL 100
/ Daily