Isani, Tbilisi
The best apartment for rent in Isani daily and hours
The best apartment for rent daily. Freshly renovated, unbearable, maximum comfort. All hygiene norms are protected. After leaving the guest and sorting out the apartment, special Spanish disinfectants are cleaned with furniture, interior surfaces, door handles, etc. At 100 meters at Isani Metro, Carrefour, in a strategic place. All transport moves, in all directions. The apartment is a living room, a bedroom, a barstudio, a bathroom and a balcony. All the necessary equipment is a refrigerator, a stolen, a vent, a washing machine; ; TV, air conditioner, central heating, etc. The furniture of the living room and bedroom is also fully standing. The bedroom bed is 1.60 in width, with an orthopedic-anatomical mattress. There are all kinds of linen and utensils. Those wishing to call me. Am the owner
GEL 15
/ Hourly
GEL 100
/ Daily